Friday, March 13, 2009

Three things about the Academy of Sciences.

1.      Recycle Bins of the Academy of Sciences

These beautiful recycles bins are everywhere in the academy of sciences museum. The reason I like these recycle bins is that each of these recycle bins has short but powerful description for each category. In the academy of sciences they have landfill recycle bin and the short description is “Styrofoam. Plastic Bags”. In my point of view, this description would remind people that Styrofoam and plastic bags will go land fill in the end of their life cycle and less using.

2. Helix Wind Turbine

        Alternative energy is a major issue now in America. I think this Helix Wind Turbine is an excellent solution. It works with low wind speed because of its organic shape and it can be install on the roof of any building. 

3.      From CO2 to Cement

I don’t know about CO2 problem from cement until I saw this project in the Academy of sciences. Cement is the 4th largest source of carbon dioxide emission in US. The cement company creates one ton of cement and also creates one ton of CO2. Now several companies came up different solutions for this big problem but this project in the academy science might be the best one. In the traditional way, people use limestone and clay to make cement and “CO2”.  The company, California-based Calera, kind of reverses the traditional cement making process. This company makes cement from CO2 without carbon dioxide emission. 


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