A friend of mine forwarded me this email:

It's as simple as the flick of a switch. The lights will go out for one hour on March 28 at 8:30 pm local time - wherever you live on planet earth. It's called Earth Hour - and it's our best bet at stopping climate change. Sign up at http://www.earthhour.org/ and spread our message of hope and action to your friends, workmates, loved ones and even those you've never talked with. Feast your eyes on the official video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CRs-7lRlPo.
Environmental action isn't always as hard as chasing after dynamite fishermen or guarding our forests against illegal loggers. Sometimes it's as simple as the flick of a switch.
See your world in a whole new light. Switch off from 8:30 to 9:30 pm on Saturday night, 28 March 2009 and spread the word. Log on to wwf.org.ph or call 840-2134 / 812-5974 to find out how else you can make a difference.
As One,
GoryoTeam Earth Hour Email: mailto:gyan@wwf.org.%20ph
Multiply: greggyan.multiply. com
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