Tuesday, March 31, 2009
San Francisco Homeless

Here is an interesting map we found on the locations of the homeless. It is interactive, so click to find out more...
SF Homeless Map
got milk?

There's all sorts of great information out on Greenbottle's website. Be sure to check it out.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
GreenRx: Design solution for safe medicine disposal (Annemarie Henning)

Hi there. I'm Annemarie Henning, a student in the Graphic Design MFA program. My project for the GR.699 Sustainability class is called GreenRx, a consumer-focused safe medicine disposal program. GreenRx will provide consumers with safe disposal options (rather than flushing down the toilet or tossing in the trash) that will reduce the harmful effects on our environment. Research shows that pills in our waterways results in aggressive lobsters, male fish becoming female, etc.
Industrial design students: I believe there is an opportunity for partnership here. If interested, please let me know.
Thanks for reviewing.
Annemarie Henning_amhenning@gmail.com_415.412.9758
Scrub Dresses?!
Hello, All!
My name is Tramaine Tillman and I am a Fashion Design major. My group (fellow members are: Kumiko, Priscilla, Nui - Textiles major, Emily, and Ashley) and I have decided to build a clothing line based upon the usage of hospital scrubs. At the start of this project, we knew we wanted to build a company based upon using an upcyclable material that will never run out and is currently being wasted. As a result, we decided to pursue hospital scrubs because while they are traditionally only used for hospital needs (or as lounge wear by the owners since they're so darn comfy), by developing the right process(es), they can be transformed into absolutely elegant garments that no one would ever know came from scrubs! Ultimately, we have created a line-up of 10 dresses primarily using scrubs; 6-8 of which will be developed in 3D format by the end of the semester. We have made a tremendous amount of progress over the past 9 weeks, but at the same time, we have only just begun. All in all, we are very excited about this wonderful niche we've discovered and can hardly wait to see the outcome. I've posted a few pictures of some of the preliminary drapes we did so you can get an idea of the transformation the scrubs are undergoing.
Thanks for taking the time to learn about our project. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to post your remarks. The proposals presented, thus far, are SO interesting and innovative. It's a pleasure to be a part of such a diverse group of talented individuals!
Solar Bottle
I found cool product "Solar Bottle" which was in prize winner collections of INDEX AWARD 2006.

Container to sterilize water in sunlight in developing country. The surface area can be wide, the whole be transparent, and time be shortened more than the bucket by 75% with an argent reflection panel.
Quenna and Ella, I wanted tell you about this product yesterday :)
Friday, March 27, 2009
Sustainable Practices in Hotel Industry // Using Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants as a role model

My name is Coral Yang. I am a current student in the Graphic Design MFA program in Academy of Art University. The project for GR 699 Graphic Design & Sustainability is about introducing the sustainable practices in hotel industry and uses the Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants as a role model as the first step. And then let customers bring home sustainability practices, modeled on their hotel experience, providing them with sample products and interactive messages while they are staying in Kimpton hotels.
Any comments and suggestions will be great.
REVISION : Rethinking San Francisco's brownfields

Hi All-
My name is Elizabeth Vereker, above you will find a brief summary of my project titled REVISION. This project will focus on the development and planning of San Francisco's brown fields, focusing on the Mission Rock neighborhood. Please review the summary and provide any thoughts or questions to vereker@gmail.com
Thank you.
Toilet Paper // How our most intimate relationship with paper causes destruction to forests

Toilet paper -- probably not something we think much about in terms of how it may relate to sustainability but we use it every time we visit the bathroom -- the consumer tissue products we demand: Kleenex, Puffs, Charmin, Scott, Bounty, etc. and the "3-ply quilted super ultra soft and strong" comes at a price.
Perhaps it's time to shift our values -- do we really need to wipe our nose and bottoms with forests? And is it necessary to use toxic chlorine to make tissues white? It's what we are used to, and what is readily available, but honestly, our butts don't care.
_my goal
To promote the use of agricultural by-products in paper production specifically sugarcane. Other crops includes hemp, kenaf, banana trees, wheat, corn...which all yield high levels of fiber that can be harvested into reusable paper materials, products or building supplies. In the U.S. on average, about 250 million tons of agricultural waste is burned each year. What if all that natural material got a second chance before getting burned? a second harvest...
_more info
Thanks for reading! Please feel free to comment or make any suggestions.
GR.699 // Graphic Design & Sustainability
Folger's Sustainability Project

Hi all:
My name is Weilin Chang. I am a student in the Graphic Design. My topic for GR 699 Sustainability class is Folgers' sustainability project. The goal of this project is to change Folgers to be a sustainable coffee brand, to promote their new environmental mission to the customers, and to educate customers the concept and importance of sustainable coffee. Any comments is welcome. Thank you.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
WHOLE: Disposability of Fashion v.s. Reusability of Fashion

PG&E PEHV Power Program

Be Waste Wise!

Last week, I went to the farmer's market at Ferry Building. I saw trash cans with a sign saying,"90% of the market waste in your hand can be composted. Compost it here!". It shows people how to sort their waste and trash. And also, there is a woman hired beside helping and teaching people how to do it right.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
the "closed loop" experiment

interesting bits

It seems like everyone is jumping on the bandwagon these days, but this one throws me for a loop! Rumor has it, Ikea will be releasing an eco-friendly car. I find it hard to believe.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
what happened to our layout?!

I'm thinking maybe we should go back to black on white? It takes less energy to produce a screen with black and white writing than it does the other way. Anyway.
The March issues of Metropolis has some great Design for Social Impact.
Also IDEO has a work books they designed regarding the same subject matter:
Design For Social Impact: Work Book
Design For Social Impact: How to Guide
Good Stuff! Check it out!
Monday, March 23, 2009
water bottle bag souvenir
CCA Student Displays
Discovery Channel: Global Warming
Watched a documentary yesterday by chance on the Discovery Channel about Global Warming and its effects. It's an interesting documentary. Here's the link so you can check out:
Switch off for Earth Hour - Please Spread the Word!
A friend of mine forwarded me this email:

It's as simple as the flick of a switch. The lights will go out for one hour on March 28 at 8:30 pm local time - wherever you live on planet earth. It's called Earth Hour - and it's our best bet at stopping climate change. Sign up at http://www.earthhour.org/ and spread our message of hope and action to your friends, workmates, loved ones and even those you've never talked with. Feast your eyes on the official video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CRs-7lRlPo.
Environmental action isn't always as hard as chasing after dynamite fishermen or guarding our forests against illegal loggers. Sometimes it's as simple as the flick of a switch.
See your world in a whole new light. Switch off from 8:30 to 9:30 pm on Saturday night, 28 March 2009 and spread the word. Log on to wwf.org.ph or call 840-2134 / 812-5974 to find out how else you can make a difference.
As One,
GoryoTeam Earth Hour Email: mailto:gyan@wwf.org.%20ph
Multiply: greggyan.multiply. com
Saturday, March 14, 2009
interesting video links
part one
part two
part three

Hi all,
I post "QR code" spoken by yesterday's class.
A "QR code" is a matrix code or two-dimensional bar code in 1994.
The "QR" is derived from "Quick Response", as the creator intended the code to allow its contents to be decoded at high speed.
"QR codes" are common in Japan, where they are currently the most popular type of two dimensional codes. Moreover, most current Japanese mobile phones can read this code with their camera.
Here is QR CODE website. This website tells very clear information.
Have a great spring break :)
Emily Pilloton lectures on March 24th
Friday, March 13, 2009
A Field trip on California Academy of Sciences
Last Friday, we had a visit to California Academy of Sciences. There are so many interesting things that attractive to me. Actually it makes me broaden my eyesight.
I notice that the picture on the wall. The title is A CLIMATE FOR LIFE-MEETING GLOBAL CHALLENGE. This is one of the pictures in this topic. Human seems to be trivial in nature. The exhibition shows the relationship between human and nature and suggests some ways to risk to human survive, environment, and biological diversity on the edge of extinction.
The words: Climate is an angry beast and we are poking at it with sticks. It describes the changeable and freakish climate and human destroy the ecological balance. In the exhibition, it shows principle of carbon and CO2, nature energy, and the elimination of resources.
One more interesting thing is that the UNDERWATER DIVERSITY. The fish specimens look very delicate. The academy scientist collected for the research dives. It shows another wonderful world under the water.
Things about Academy of Sciences
1. 3 dollars discount for alternative transition

2. Insects collection game
3. Promotion for the tap water

And also I like the planetarium. The planetarium here is the coolest one I have even seen. What I admire most is the technology of projector. It really makes a realistic experience.
There is an institute called Institute Without Boundaries that I came across in undergrad that I recently re-looked at. Their objective and mission speaks to me in terms of architecture but I think it applies to any of our projects.
"Our inaugural project, Massive Change, explored and sparked a discourse on the future of global design. Our second project, World House, confronts the evolution of shelter for coming generations incorporating principles of sustainabillity, accessibility, technological responsiveness and ecological balance."
In my project(s) I'm always trying to find that balance between sustainability, accessibility, while being technologically responsive and ecologically balanced. They work to fight against the urban sprawl, which many view to be ecologically and socially irresponsible.
This applies to my project on food because part of the urban sprawl is about building these walmarts and bed bath and beyonds with useless facades on buildings that create what feels like a "township" in these huge plazas. Through external decoration they assume to build community when in fact the very thing these architectural facades hide does not benefit the community at all in terms of providing jobs to local farmers and craftsmen.
And for anyone looking for a short but powerful read, read The Eyes of the Skin by Juhani Pallasmaa. It's a 80 page thesis basically that a lot of architects used as a topic of their lectures. It coins a term "ocularcentrism" which discusses human nature and social pruning to make us so focused on our sense of sight that we forget how powerful and important our other senses can be to create memory and impact in our lives.
- Victor