Sunday, May 3, 2009

My statement of this class

This class made me realize that global warming is a very big crisis that we as a world are all facing together. A lot of people do not realize how important it is, because it does not affect them directly. But they should think about their children or their grandchildren, and think what they would have to go through if we do not find a way to fix the problem. The class really made me open my eyes to what has to be done to save our environment. Of course, fixing global warming is not done that easily- many steps have to be taken, but even the smallest contribution from each person can help, such as turning off lights and applications when they are not in use, carpooling or biking to work instead of driving, recycling, etc. This is a responsibility we all have as humans, since we are the ones that are killing the planet with our pollution. I think education is the best way to create awareness. Schools should encourage a sustainable lifestyle more. As of now, there are a lot of people who are trying to fix the problem, but not enough. We would need everyone to take action in order to reduce global warming.


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