I hope no one minds, but I took everyone's paragraph, took out repetitive stuff, and this is what we're left with. Does anyone want to try to help put them together/edit what I’ve done? If you want to add or take out feel free!
" Not everyone is aware of the alarming global situation our world is facing, because it does not affect them directly in their everyday lives. Some lifestyles we may take for granted damages our earth a lot. Consumer markets are starting to become aware of the environmental implications of their purchasing decisions, designers , must wake up and see the potential they posses to stop the environmental decay that we are witnessing. The life cycle of a product is much shorter than a building, so the impact of mass production to our earth is enormous. Sustainability is not a design or a product. It is a way of life and everyone’s responsibility to educate each other about our planet. Education and encouragement are the keys, getting involved is the spirit. In order to save our planet and have a healthy environment for our next generation, we need to change our attitude and take action now; this is our responsibility since we have forced the environmental issues that surround us. Sustainability is a global effort, a change in our lifestyle and thinking, and we have a long way to go. It’s easy to get desensitized to the plethora of facts and numbers, but big change starts small, and global change starts in your community, right here, right now.”